Australian Native Grass
Very Low Maintenance
Very High Drought Tolerance
High Wear Tolerance
Natural Weed Resistance
Provides Erosion Control
Very High Salt Tolerance

Nara™ Native Zoysia (Zoysia macrantha) is becoming Australia’s No.1
environmentally-friendly native turf choice, thanks to its integration into all landscapes. In particular, it has the added benefits of lower maintenance (in comparison to other popular varieties), strong weed resistance, very high drought tolerance, salt and high wear tolerance.
Across Australia it is used by roadwork companies for erosion control (Erosion Control Australian Standard No# AS5181: 2017 – Use and installation of turf as an erosion, nutrient and sediment control measure) and along windy coastal areas where it can tolerate high salt conditions.
Nara™ Native Zoysia is quickly becoming the turf of choice for landscape specifiers, landscape architects, estate designers for commercial projects.
Nara Native Zoysia is grown via stolons and rhizomes – vegetively as slabs or rolls and due to it’s breeding is not available as seed.
Growth: Strong to very strong vigorous growth of stolons and rhizomes. Growth is not just across the surface of the soil via its stolons but to a good depth by virtue of the rhizomes. This enables proficient soil binding, even in the case of sandy soils, also enabling it’s ability to withstand drought again by virtue of its deep rooting activity.
Stolon: Long to very long stolon length that horizontally grows along the soil surface increasing wear tolerance.
Rhizomes: Thick vigorous growing rhizomes that, horizontally, travel through the soil in search of nutrients and water for long periods of time. Nara’s strong rhizome growth also gives it strength to hold soil in place much firmer than many other turf varieties – (Erosion Control Australian Standard No# AS5181: 2017 – Use and installation of turf as an erosion, nutrient and sediment control measure).
Leaf Blades: Long fine to medium leaf blade, ligulate in shape. Typical leaf size ranges from 4mm – 7mm.
Dormancy: In areas of colder temperatures, Nara Native Zoysia does enter dormancy in cooler months. This means that in southern NSW and VIC it is recommended to avoid laying Nara from the 15th May-15th August.
Winter Colour: In warmer climates such as QLD, Nara Native Zoysia holds winter colour well. In southern states because Nara enters dormancy a reduction in colour will be seen but this is not of any concern.

Nara™ Native Zoysia is recognised by the Australian Cultivar Registration Authority as being an Australian native grass.
Once established, Nara™ Native can survive long periods of drought, low rainfall, only to bounce back when rain re-occurs.
As an Australian native grass, Nara™’s ability to adapt to our harsh and unique climatic conditions makes it the No. 1 choice, when Australian native plants are specified.
Nara™ is ideal for National and State Parks, Australian Native specified gardens and greenspace.
Environmentally Sensitive
Low Phosphorus Tolerance: Nara™ is a native plant that does not require high phosphates as it tolerates extreme soil conditions.

As a true Aussie battler, Nara™ survives well in our extreme temperatures requiring less water, less mowing and less attention than other turf varieties.
Nara™ is more drought-tolerant and water-efficient than Couch, Kikuyu and Buffalo varieties.
For regions with water restrictions, Nara™ is highly recommended due to its high drought tolerance
Once established Nara™ out competes weeds.
Nara™ requires about 2-4 mows per year for civil/projects to maintain a dense sward and for erosion control supporting drainage works.
Maximum Unmown Height: 100-150mm
Recommended Mowing Height: 25-50mm
Thatching: Low (no need for vertimowing when less maintenance is required)
Local Government/Council – Nara™ is also proven to be a variety of choice due to its lower maintenance which sees many councils not having to poison or mow roadside kerbs where weeds and grass reside.
Nara™’s low maintenance also makes it ideal for Parks and Recreation Areas.
Cost Effective

Housing developments – Large housing estates, both in QLD and NSW, prefer this versatile, tough wearing variety as it offers lower maintenance and drought resistance – appealing to new estate developers and landscape maintenance companies.
Once established, Nara™’s strong stolon mass assists in it’s hard wearing which appeals to communal areas such as parks, common areas, nature-strips and greenspaces.
Nara™ Native Zoysia can also tolerant shade which is often prevalant in high rise developments at various points of the day. Other examples include shade cast by trees in today’s resurgence of trees in urban design.
Suitability for Greenspaces

Road Developments use Nara™ as the specified all-round champion as it:
● Requires up to 60% less maintenance than current unspecified grasses such as Couch and Kikuyu regardless of climatic region.
● Survives extremely well on natural rainfall once established.
● Is widely used in drainage swales because it handles the extremes, from wet feet to dry conditions, and requires less attention as it absorbs all available nutrients extremely efficiently.

Nara™ Native Zoysia’s strong root structure, once established, binds dangerous sloping sites such as roadside batters, swales and repatriation areas.
Nara™ Native Zoysia meets the Erosion Control Australian Standard No# AS5181: 2017 – Use and installation of turf as an erosion, nutrient and sediment control measure.
For sloping sites both commercial and domestic, Nara™ offers superb erosion control.
Environmentally Sensitive

For Australia’s coastal regions, Nara™ Native Zoysia boasts excellent salt tolerance, working well around Beach fronts.
Nara™ can also be grown in areas right up to Rivers, Brackish Water, Swampy Areas and can handle wet conditions while maintaining excellent visual aesthetic.
Handles Wet Conditions
For Australia’s coastal regions, Nara™ Native Zoysia boasts excellent salt tolerance, working well around Beach fronts.
Nara™ can also be grown in areas right up to Rivers, Brackish Water, Swampy Areas and can handle wet conditions while maintaining excellent visual aesthetic.
Handles Wet Conditions

Contact TurfBreed to identify your Nara™ Native Zoysia needs.
Our Business Development Managers are hand to assist and discuss sourcing Nara™ Native Turf. TurfBreed has an extensive Australia-wide network of growers producing fit-for-purpose, climate suited varieties.
Business Development Manager (QLD,VIC,SA), Nathan Tovey or M: 0491 681 865 or E: ntovey@turfbreed.com.au
Business Development Manager (NSW), Liz Stevenson M: 0419 420 084 or E: lstevenson@turfbreed.com.au
Business Development Manager (WA & NT), Steve Burt or M: 0419 007 398 or E: sburt@turfbreed.com.au