The ultimate and next generation Buffalo
Prestige® Buffalo Grass has taken the market by storm and is the ultimate choice for lovers of dark green lawn year-round.
Botanical Name: Stenotaphrum secundatum.
- Excellent shade tolerance
- Medium drought tolerance
- Low thatch
- Solid weed resistance due to dense growth
- High wear tolerance and rapid recovery rate
- Darkest green all year-round
- Superior winter colour
- Broad leaf and soft to touch
- Produces little seed head (a common irritant for people with allergies)
- Prestige® is the “darkest green” of all Buffalo’s and has been bred exclusively to suit residential civic spaces.
- Prestige® stays more attractive than competitor Buffalo varieties for longer including during cooler temperatures.
- Prestige® tends to be more ground-hugging than other commercial Buffalo varieties.
- Prestige® has very little seed head production, which greatly reduces mowing schedules particularly in public spaces.
- Prestige® meets the Erosion Control Australian Standard No# AS5181: 2017.
Use and installation of turf as an erosion, nutrient and sediment control measure.