IronCutter Elite Hybrid Bermudagrass™
IronCutter™ – an elite Hybrid Bermudagrass that outperforms TifTuf® in key US trials.
TurfBreed is proud to announce that through it’s partnership with with Mountain View Seeds, it has succesfully imported IronCutter™ Hybrid Bermudagrass onto Australian shores. Mountain View Seeds owns the worldwide marketing rights to IronCutter™ and is a major breeder of turf varieties – both cool and warm climate.
IronCutter™ is currently undergoing testing and evaluation across a range of Australian growing conditions to ensure it is suitable for the diverse market. It has also been Smart Drop Certified, demonstrating its sustainability and efficiency in water usage.
This exciting variety will be ideally suited to sportsfields and domestic homeowners across the country.
For more information contact Nathan Tovey.
Nathan Tovey
TurfBreed’s Business Development Manager (QLD, VIC, SA, NT)
M: 0491 681 865 E:
Botanical Name: Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers. x C. transvaalensis Burtt-Davy.

- Very high drought tolerance
- Very high wear tolerance
- Very high cold tolerance
- Low thatch
- Fast growing runners that provide quick wear recovery
- Fine leaf texture which creates a lush, manicured look
- Excellent winter colour
- Produces little seed head (a common irritant for people with allergies)
- Smart Drop Certified
- IronCutter™ was bred on the cold plains of Oklahoma (USA) and was selected specifically for it’s ability to withstand the harsh winters while still being a top performer in warmer climates.
- IronCutter™ establishes and covers ground quickly from sprigging, with a vigorous lateral growth habit and spreading stolons this gives it excellent wear tolerance and recovery.
- IronCutter™ has performed exceptionally well in the United States National Turfgrass Evaluation Program (NTEP), outperforming similar hybrid bermudagrass varieties, such as TifTuf®, in a number of critical categories (such as wear recovery, cold tolerance, and pest resistance